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Intercontinental Study Trip

Intercontinental Study Trip

The Intercontinenal Study Trip Committee is responsible for organizing our trip every year

You want to do more than just studying. You are looking for some exciting challenges. You want to travel and decided to join the Intercontinental Study Trip committee of Asset | SBIT. The committee starts and you are looking for great destinations. Destinations with lots of potential in formal and informal ways. You are discussing the possibilities with the committee and everyone is getting excited. Interesting organizations and cultural aspects are discussed and the decision is made for a destination. A destination with beautiful sceneries, beaches, weather, interesting organizations and universities.

But you do not want to go alone, you want to share the experience with other students. The preparation starts… Arranging budget, flight tickets, hostel, organizations, universities, and activities. Then the excitement has to be transferred to the potential participants, and you are arranging an information session and a way they can subscribe. Bit by bit you see the number subscriptions increase and hear people talking about study trip and getting all excited. During classes they ask for the latest developments and you can share your enthusiasm. The excitement reaches almost its max when arranging the last things in the weeks before you all leave. Everyone keeps thinking about the study trip and cannot wait. In the week before departure you and the committee connected al the dots and you are ready to go. Everything is in place, confirmed, and ready to go.

The day of departure everyone got together at the airport with their luggage, excitement, and information guide. The message that you and your group can board the airplane echoed through the gate. Take your seat, buckle up, and off you go...

Are you interested and want to know more? Drop by the Asset | SBIT room (E116) or send us an email to