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The Almanak Committee is responsible for writing our 8th Lustrum Almanak

The Almanak committee is responsible for writing the Almanak for the 8th Lustrum of Asset | SBIT. An important part of our Lustrum is the Almanak. In the Almanak, we look back on the past five years and all the events, trips, and special moments of our association. All different kinds of memories from Asset | SBIT will be recorded in this Almanak to celebrate its 40th birthday in a good way! We also thank the members, boards, and companies that have made this possible. The Almanak is distributed to our students, other associations in Tilburg, and other economic associations in the Netherlands.

Committee members

Nick Sperber

Board Supervisor

Ilayda Hasret

Mylene van der Welle


Esmee Voulon

Noa Nieuwenhuijse

Natan van der Knaap

Nathan Verboon

Stijn Valckx