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ITHappens is the best committee within SBIT. Not kidding.

Alwin van Welie

Hello! My name is Alwin van Welie. I’ve been a part of SBIT since the premaster for the master Information Management (IM) back in 2022. I didn’t follow the original IM program, I chose to do the ITEM study (in collaboration with Finland). This didn’t stop me from going to all kinds of events with SBIT.

I have joined almost all formal events that SBIT has hosted in a year. I’ve done two business dinners, several business drinks and inhouse days, as well as the business tour. Joining SBIT was not only lots of fun (you make a lot of very good friends), but also perfect for your career orientation. I found my thesis subject on cybersecurity in my final stage in the Netherlands while talking with experts at the business dinner.

Next to this, I have been the president of the committee ITHappens for a year. ITHappens was not only very fun to work on, but also very rewarding. You create value not only for SBIT, but also for all IM-students and even people throughout the world. Creating an impact on IM-related subjects is also very interesting for your own professional life!

One of my most memorable weeks with SBIT was the European City Trip (ECT) to Budapest. I’ve really had the time of my life there; I became closer to SBIT than I ever had been before. The crazy 88 was one of the best hours I’ve had there. From playing as a road instructor on a busy street to interviewing random people, we did it all. And of course, my group won :).

Joining SBIT (and joining ITHappens ;) ) is the best choice a student studying IM can make. No regrets!!